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marți, 30 septembrie 2014


Si pentru ca tot am intrat in toamna, invalurita-n saluri si ninsa de frunze pamantii, iar zarea miroase a bruma si fum, ma opresc, drumet, in drum. Colbul, imprastiat de vant, mangaie strugurii pleznind in boabe, plangand stoluri de pasari ratacind carari catre tari mai calde. 

"When I speak
 My lips feel cold-
 The autumn wind!" (Basho)

Shelter for the heart" - Steve Hanks

"Catcking the rain" - Steve Hanks

"I saw old autumn in the misty morn
Stand shadowless like silence, listening
To silence" (Thomas Hood)

"Leaving in the rain" Steve Hanks

"Road less travelled" - Steve Hanks

"I love the fall. I love it because of the smells that you speak of; and also because things are dying, things that you don't have to take care of anymore, and the grass stops growing" (Mark Van Doren)

"Summer rain"- Steve Hanks

 "Sunshine after the rain"- Steve Hanks

"There are place to go"- Steve Hanks

"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the succesive autumns" (George Eliot)

"Waiting for the train" - Steve Hanks

"Waiting in the rain"- Steve Hanks

"Autumn is a second spring, when every leaf is a flower" (Albert Camus)

Printre zambete triste si regrete, rascolesc biblioteci in cautarea unor personaje menite sa-mi aduca aminte de vreme, evoluand in intrigi parguite, cu miros de gutui amare. 

( Aki si Yasuaki au divortat, dupa ce Yasuaki a fost gasit intr-o camera de hotel langa o tanara moarta. Dupa 10 ani de la divort, cei doi isi vor scrie scrisori, dintr-o toamna in cealalta, incercand sa -si inteleaga si sa-si accepte trecutul)

(autorul portughez urmareste parcursul vietii lui Isidore Ducasse, trasnpus in personajul Contele de Lautreamont)

Afara cerul plange dorul de vara si ascunde in umbrele iubiri trecute, nostalgii amare. Fiecare asteapta-ntr-o gara ursita sa vina cu gand de primavara. Mai avem de asteptat: ganduri, riduri, tristeti si nameti. Va veni odata iar primavara. Pentru altii, caci toamna se afla in multi dintre noi.

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